
编辑:pitaya02        日期:2021-01-07

Emotional dumping is when you verbally offload the intense rage, fear or sadness you feel onto someone you think should care. 

当你把你的愤怒、恐惧或悲伤全部倾泻到一个你认为关心你的人面前时, Emotionaldumping就是真正的“情感倾泻”。事实上,就是把不愉快的事情拿出来和朋友说一说。

也就是,你把这位朋友当作自己的“情感垃圾箱”(emotional trashcan),各种各样的负面情绪就会倾泻到 Ta身上,让他去倾听你心中所有的烦恼和忧虑。火龙果智能语法检测

For example, if you’ve been the target of workplace bullying, you might express your outrage onto HR or senior managers, expecting them to do something immediately but become even more upset when they react in an oppositional way.


 Or, if you just broke up with your boyfriend, and you felt heartbroken.


You might call your best friend, calling your HR and manager all the bad names, or talking about all the best memories you have had with your ex and how sad you were at the moment. All your friend needs to do is to listen.


For example:火龙果智能语法检测

Jill called today and took the longest emotional dumping on me. He said he misses Jane and he wanted her back.

吉尔今天打电话来,向我倾诉了好长一段时间。他说他想念 Jane,想和她好好谈谈。


What should I do if my close friends treat me as is his “trash can ”?

