火龙果写作习语站 | As Cold As Stone

编辑:火龙果写作        日期:2020-11-19

火龙果写作习语站是火龙果智能写作软件产品组策划的一档英语习语系列博客。每天用5分钟,为你讲解容易误用的英语习语,让你无论在英语写作还是日常表达中,都更加地道、自信,游刃有余。今天我们给大家介绍的习语非常冷酷:As Cold As Stone。

As Cold As Stone:像石头一样冷,心寒如石

As cold as stone这个习语在字面上非常容易理解:像石头一样寒冷。或者把它抽象一下用在形容人身上,就可以说某人“心寒如石”,表达某人冷漠无情,very unemotional。所以说,as cold as stone既可以用它的字面意思,表达非常冷,也可以用它的引申义,用来形容人非常冷漠无情。


As Cold As Stone的出处

也许你想不到,as cold as stone这个习语其实出自莎士比亚于1598年创作的《亨利五世》,里面说道:

Hostess: Now I, to comfort him, bid him a' should not think of God; I hoped there was no need to trouble himself with any such thoughts yet. So a' bade me lay more clothes on his feet: I put my hand into the bed and felt them, and they were as cold as any stone; then I felt to his knees, and they were as cold as any stone, and so upward and upward, and all was as cold as any stone.

在这里,莎士比亚用了一个排比句,反复使用as cold as stone去形容冰冷,从而增强了文本的感染力。当然在这里,莎士比亚是用的as cold as stone的字面意思,也就是冰冷,后来,人们把这个表达引申到了形容人的冷漠上。


最后,我们来小结一下习语as cold as stone的意义和用法:

| 像石头一样冷,可以用其字面意思形容寒冷,或者用在形容人身上表示某人非常冷漠;

| 可以简写为cold as stone或者cold stone;

| 一般用作表语或状语。



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语法检测-实用主义口语:有些人会对你说“Good luck with that”,而不是在祝福你!