
编辑:pitaya02        日期:2020-10-07




现在的译者大多对英文拼读规则比较熟悉,因此面对“规范”英文单词,多半能读出个八九不离十。但是,并非所有的词都是“标准的”,特别是那些直接从其它语言“复制”而来的词,以及那些用英文“模拟发音”的词,常常不能根据英文拼读规则直接发音。"拿破仑·波拿巴"中的"波拿巴"是写 Bonaparte,而"波拿巴特"则是写" DeGaulle",而" DeGaulle"则是写" DeGaulle"。有些名字看上去很熟悉,实际上只是拼写相同,而且在不同的语言里发音也有差异,比如 Louis通常译为 Louis,而法国人的名字应该译为 Louis,因为法语的 Louis发音不同于英语。火龙果语法检查


仔细看就会发现,一些公认的名字的中文翻译与英文原著的翻译有很大的不同,最典型的是国家名称: Deutsch译为“德意志”, France译为“法兰西”, Europe译为“欧罗巴”, American译为“美利坚”。这两个名字虽然都是音译,但当时的中文发音却与现在的普通话不同,而是与今天闽粤某地的方言相似(大致如此,未见特别可靠的详细考证),由久远流传至今,成为约定俗成的译名。现代译者若要以别出心裁的方式对德国、法国、欧洲、美国等名称进行重译,即使更加“精确”,也会给读者带来不少困惑。虽然没有多少译者这么做,但是无视约定俗成的译名,翻译时“别开天地”的情况还是经常发生。例如, Hume被认为是“休谟”,而有人被认为是“Haum”; Bentham被认为是“Biseham”,而 Fabian被认为是“Fabian”,而有人被认为是“Fabian”; Buick被认为是“Buick”,而有人被认为是“Buick”。所有这些,都常常使读者摸不着头脑——“伟大哲学家胡姆的教条”究竟是什么呢?"美国人购买布依克轿车是爱国的表现",为什么?火龙果错别字校对


不像中文人名,外国人名通常会分成几部分,而且也不需要把名字一起念,通常是分开念的。例如,叶利钦的全名叫“鲍里斯·尼古拉耶维奇·叶利钦”,马克思的全名叫“卡尔·马克思”。根据中文习惯,人们更容易记住像“叶利钦”、“马克思”这样的名字。但是英文里,同一个人的称呼可能会改变,有时用“鲍里斯”来称呼叶利钦,有时用“卡尔”来称呼马克思。或许外国的读者更容易记住全名,所以看到“鲍里斯”就知道这是叶利钦,看到“卡尔”就知道这是马克思,但是中文的读者一般都不那么敏捷,有很多人需要仔细思考,甚至翻阅前文才知道,还有一些人根本就不知道。因此,我的建议是,如果原作中的“变换”一词没有特殊意义,那么保持人名在译文中的一致性是很好的选择。另外,可以照着原稿改头换面,但最好以“卡尔(此处称马克思为卡尔,表示亲昵)”等译文告诉读者。此外,许多外国名称都有缩写,例如 Jeffrey (杰弗里)缩写为 Jeff (杰夫), Catherine (凯瑟琳)缩写为 Cathy (凯茜),重复出现同样会使读者感到迷惑,因此建议翻译时也要遵循上述原则。火龙果错别字校对


在英文中有 he, she, it三个单数代词,它们在读音和拼写上有很大的区别,绝对不会混淆。但是中文的“他”、“她”、“它”不仅形似,发音也完全相同。因此,英文中极其清晰的一句“John might never see Mary’s family member again, nor she his parents”,被翻译成中文后,变成了“Johnmight never might mamily, Mary可能永远不会再见到他的父母”。假如读书人能看懂文字,也许还能仔细分辨意思,假如只凭声音来判断,几乎肯定会满头雾水。在这种情况下,翻译人员应该坚决地将代词具体化,将“他”和“她”准确地归结为所指对象——“约翰也许再也见不到玛丽的家人,而玛丽也许再也见不到约翰的父母”,这样就不存在混淆的可能性。






A moment later, a boy opened the door, came out and asked: “Master said we have a visitor. Is that you?” Following the boy into the cave, Monkey King saw the master serene, white-haired, white-bearded and seated on a high dais. On his sides were standing tens of disciples. Monkey King hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed continually.火龙果错别字校对

Master asked: “ Where are you from?” “I come from Hua Guo Shan” answered the monkey. “What is your name?” “I have no parents and no name.” “If you have no parents, were you grown on a tree?” “From a rock!”Master laughed and said : “How about I call you Sun Wukong? ” Monkey King accepted it with ecstasy. From then on, Sun worked really hard while thinking about the immortal magic.

Master knew his mind and also his extraordinary intelligence. One day, Master feigned anger and knocked on Sun’s head three times. Then he put his hands behind the back, le山 and closed the door.

While others thought Master was angry Sun knew this was telling him to see Master at three o’clock by going through the back door. So that night he went into Master’s room secretly through the unlocked back door, knelt down at his bed and waited for him to wake up.火龙果错别字校对




Soon,Master woke up and asked: “What are you doing here?” Wukong answered: “I understood your puzzle today as asking me to come at three o’clock through the back door so I came. Please teach me to become immortal!” Master was delighted that Wukong was clever enough to catch his cue so he decided to teach him immortal magic. Wukong was overjoyed and practiced hard for three years continuously.

One day, Master told him: “So far, you have done pretty well but still need to learn how to avoid three doomed disasters.”“What are they?” “Though you have mastered the immortal magic, you will be struck by a heavenly lightning in 500 years and if you can’t avoid it you will be killed.”

At this he was scared. Master continued: “In another five hundred years heavenly fire will burn you into ashes and in another five hundred years a heavenly gale will tear apart your flesh and bones .” Petrified, he dropped to his knees with shudder and begged: “Please teach me how to survive these disasters. I will always remember your kindness.” Being always fond of Wukong Master whispered some spells in his ear. He exercised the spells hard and before long mastered 72 transformations and also flying on clouds. With one somersault he could travel 108,000 li .

从前有一座山,叫做花果山,山上有一块巨大的石头。有一天,巨大的石头爆炸了,从里面跳出来一只猴子。这个猴子的样子和其他猴子没有什么不同,它的眼睛只有金光。石猴子一生下来都在 ft里跑来跑去,和 ft里的鸟兽玩耍。火龙果语法检查

Long long ago, there was a mountain named Hua Guo Shan Mountain of Fruit and Flowers. On the mountain there was a large rock. One fine day, the rock exploded and a monkey jumped out. He looked no different than any other monkey except his blazing eyes. The rock monkey started jumping around and playing with the birds and beasts immediately after he was born.


One summer day, when the rock monkey was having fun with other monkeys under a waterfall a senior monkey announced: “ Whoever can dive into the water and find its source, we’ll let him be our king.” Everyone agreed unanimously but nobody dared jump. Seeing this, the rock monkey shouted : “I will.” With these words, he leaped towards the waterfall. Surprisingly, behind the waterfall he found no water but a stone tablet with carved Chinese characters literally saying “Water Curtain Cave”. In addition, there was a stone house equipped with all kinds of stone furniture. He went back and brought in other monkeys. They cheered and according to the agreement made him their king. Thereafter, the king and his followers lived happily in the cave for hundreds of years.火龙果语法检查


用竹竿和竹竿把船搭好,他就出发了。不久他登上岸边,看到几个渔夫,抓住一个,抢了他的衣服。在89年的岁月里,猴王像个大人一样游荡,在学习人类的语言和行为。有一天,他在爬 ft的时候听到有人在唱歌,歌者的声音就像神仙一样轻松。



One day, at a banquet, the king said with sadness: “ Though happy now, when I get old I will inevitably be taken away by Yan Wang Ye--Death in Chinese mythology.”“Indeed”, said a monkey sympathetically,“if you want to escape death you must learn from a god some magic which can make you immortal. ” The king thought it was a good idea and joyfully declared, “I will now go to look for a god to be my teacher.”

He had a raft and barge-pole built by the monkeys and set out. Quite soon, he landed and saw several fishermen so he stopped one of them and seized his clothes. The monkey king dressed up as a human being and traveled for about nine years when he learned to talk and act like a man. One day, when he was climbing a mountain he heard a man singing who sounded secure and carefree as if he were a god.

By following the sound of the song he found the singer and asked respectfully: “Excuse me, are you a god?” “No, I am not but a god taught me this song”, answered the man immediately.

He asked about the god’s residence and walked on until he arrived at a cave whose gate was closed. Over the gate were three big characters--San Xing Dong literally meaning Three Star Cave. He dared not knock so he waited patiently.火龙果语法检查



