编辑:pitaya02 日期:2020-09-21
借着阿特伯里主教的话语, angel (天使)和 angle (角度)的读音有一种“混乱”的感觉,其实拼写也很容易混乱。但是,它们的含义是完全不同的。
名词,指某一方面、某一观点或两条线相交而成的形状;作为动词, angle表示移动或调整某一角度,运用某种技巧获得某种事物。要知道,拼写检查不能区分单词 angel和 angle的用法。
例1: As George Bailey contemplates committing suicide by jumping from the town bridge, he is confronted by his guardian angel, Clarence Oddbody.(当 George Bailey想从城镇桥上跳下自杀时,他遇到了他的守护天使, Clarence Oddbody)
例2:" The writer once taught her brother and sister to make' angels' by lying down in the snow and moving their arms to create wing shapes". Her brother always jumped up carelessly, leaving an angelwith a crippled wing."(这位作家曾教她的弟弟妹妹们如何在雪地里摇晃胳膊,这样就能长出“天使”的形象和翅膀)。但她的弟弟总是在空中跳跃,而且天使的翅膀都被折断了。
例3:" One of his boots was at a strange angle, as if his footwasn't in it. It pointed out to the left. bent at the ankle."(他的一双靴子很奇怪,就像脚不在里面一样,而且靴子扭向左边,脚踝处的长靴全拉掉了。
例子4: Cissy kept trying to angleher way into the back office for an interview, but she was sent back to wait.(Sissy用了很多方法试图从后门溜进去,但却被派回去等着面试)
容易区分: Angel和 Angle英语单词的拼写和用法
后缀 Angel,意为凝胶,配合。角不能有 gel,因为一旦粘在一起就没有角,而且你总是和天使在一起,不离不弃,和天使在一起,所以 angel就是a-n-g-e-l。
奥恩·西德 of the Angels:站在天使一边,宅心仁厚,站在道德一边,意思是从事/支持在道德上正义和善良的事物。他说:“考虑到国际艺术窃贼迈克尔?约翰逊(Michael X. Johnson)与天使一起工作,我的思绪仍然沉沦。(Hailey Lind, Brush With Death, Signet,2007)
Know All the Angles:表达一个人知道或了解某事物的所有角度,以及处理某事物的所有方法。例: He sticks his cigar in his mouth and walks through the crowded streets in his flowered sports shirts. He knows everyone he knows all the angles...(他用嘴叼着雪茄,穿着鲜花和运动衬衫,穿过拥挤的街道)每一个人,每一件事,他都了解…